OR: Oregon Standoff
Ammon Bundy arrives to speak to the press at the entrance to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters near Burns, Ore., on January 11, 2016. A group of armed men took control of the site over a week ago to protest federal land use policies. (Photo by: Alex Milan Tracy)

WY: Fracking the Jonah Field for Natural Gas & Oil
Schlumberger trucks with 2,000 horsepower pumps direct water, sand and chemicals over 11,000 feet into the ground to create a fracture at a completion site on the Jonah Field in Sublette County, Wyo., pictured on April 9, 2015. The site currently operates four active drilling rigs on 24,000 acres of productive land with over 1,500 active wells that will consume roughly 2.5 million gallons of water and 3 million pounds of sand. In 2013, estimate proved reserves were over 1.5 trillion cubic feet equivalent of natural gas, making it the the eighth largest gas field in the North America and the fifth biggest oil producer in Wyoming. Jonah LLC completed the acquisition of the site from Encana Corporation in May 2013, and the deal included the adjacent Normally Pressured Lance (NPL) area of over 140,000 acres with the potential for 3,500 gas and oil wells.

OR: Portland Protests Against Trump
Protesters marched through the streets of Portland, Ore., on November 10, 2016, to voice their anger for the third night in a row after Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump declared victory in the election. (Photo by: Alex Milan Tracy)

ND: Prairie Pothole Region
Darrell E. Oswald is pictured on the Oswald ranch near Wing, N.D., on June 7, 2016. By mimicking nature and taking a holistic approach to ranching, the Oswald's have seen better beef production as a result of increased soil health stemming from rotational grazing and no-till cropping systems which in turn have led to an extended grazing season and a more productive environment for wildlife. (Photo by: Alex Milan Tracy)

ND: Beekeeping in North Dakota
Zac Browning, owner of Browning's Homey Company in Jamestown, N.D., examines a hive on June 11, 2016. His bees are moved to California by truck to pollinate in January and are returned to North Dakota for the summer honey flow. (Photo by: Alex Milan Tracy)

OR: World Beard and Moustache Championships Held in Portland
Mike Johnson shows off his freestyle beard at the World Beard and Moustache Championships held at the Keller Auditorium in Portland, Ore., on October 25, 2014. (Photo by: Alex Milan Tracy)

WY: Black-Footed Ferrets Reintroduced at Discovery Site Near Meeteetse
A black-footed ferret pokes it's head out of the burrow it was released into on the Pitchfork Ranch near Meeteeetse, Wyo., on July 26, 2016. 35 black-footed ferrets were reintroduced today, all of which stem from the original numbers that were captured by biologists in the area after they were rediscovered in 1981. (Photo by: Alex Milan Tracy)

OR: Snowy Portland Scenes After Historic Storm
A woman walks her dog along the Vera Katz Eastbank Esplanade in Portland, Ore., on January 11, 2017. A winter storm blasted the Portland metro area with a foot of snow overnight. (Photo by: Alex Milan Tracy)

NM: Otherworldly Landscape of the Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness
Formations in an area known as the Alien Hatchery are seen illuminated during the blue hour over the Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness in New Mexico on April 11, 2016. The area was once a delta that lay to the west of the Western Interior Seaway 70 million years ago, and the badlands were formed by the erosion of the sandy Ojo Alamo Formation.

NM: Cemetery in the Shadow of the San Juan Gas Plant
The Conoco-Phillips San Juan Gas Plant towers over St. Mary's cemetery in Bloomfield, New Mexico, as seen on April 11, 2016. The plant extracts and processes natural gas liquids and residue gas products from field gas extracted from the San Juan Basin, and has a processing capacity of 550 million cubic feet of natural gas per day. (Photo by: Alex Milan Tracy)

AK: Exploring Bristol Bay
A dead sockeye salmon is pictured on the shore of Lake Nerka near a tributary leading to Little Togiak Lake by the University of Washington's Fisheries Research Institute in Wood-Tikchik State Park, Alaska, on August 31, 2019. In the coming weeks salmon carcasses will cover the shores of the lake as they return from the Pacific Ocean into the Bristol Bay region to spawn. (Photo by: Alex Milan Tracy)

OR: Riots In Portland After George Floyd Vigil
Protesters smash windows of the Justice Center in Portland, Ore., on May 29, 2020, after a vigil for George Floyd. (Photo by: Alex Milan Tracy)